When you don’t follow, you become UNLIMITED.

You’ve never fit in a box, and neither should your life. It’s time to liberate your unlimited potential and build a successful life on your terms.

Honing Intuition

There are ways to nurture your intuition so it's heightened within you, and there are ways to numb it out so it becomes so faint you might not hear it.

Our world opens up to us when we access our innate gifts. The more you listen in, the stronger your intuition gets, and the more your truest path is revealed.

Receive eight potent exercises delivered directly to your inbox and the PDF companion booklet as my gift to you.

  • Cultivate trust with your body.

  • Create meaningful impact.

  • Honor your needs and build self-trust.

  • Generate authentic connection.

  • Live with more peace and ease.

8 powerful exercises to hone your intuition, Free Guide

Change is difficult.

You've ended up here on this page because you're not the person you used to be.

However, you're in the process of becoming who you will be next.

And the "next you" is no small feat.

Because this version of you is the one you've been waiting to meet your entire life.

This next version of you is peaceful, aligned, bold, and real and has no desire to live a life that is not resonant with how you feel on the inside. This next version of you loves and accepts all parts of you, freeing you up to follow those dreams you've left in the dark for far too long and contribute in the most meaningful ways.

You're in the midst of a renaissance, a rebirth, and a right of passage that only comes with time and trust, and you're in the right place.

Learn more

Obtain the clarity you’re looking for during a transitional season of life.

“I'd recommend to any self-explorer, soul-led human, or curious being!”

If you ‘re experiencing a transition of any kind and you’re looking for some clarity and insights to help guide your journey, this online experience is a powerful catalyst to truthful insights and supportive direction. #takeastep

Hello, I’m Denise.

I’m enjoy making the ethereal earthly.

– turning concepts into creation –

I'm a grounded dreamer, thoughtful risk taker, rooted romantic, and fallible free spirit. These opposing forces have stretched my limits, broken through professional boxes, and continuously challenged my comfort zone. They have also developed my highest contribution zone – the intersection of creativity and practical solutions.

You have dreams, and I'm here to help you believe in them and, most importantly, make them a reality. Your dreams and purpose go way beyond your career, so together we take an expanded view!

You found me because you're not the person you used to be, and you are in the process of becoming who you will be next.

Hang in there because challenging transitions in life are where you will uncover levels of courage, truth, and creativity that once only existed in the shadows. You’re in the right place and you are welcomed with sincerity.


Denise Faddis, Kate Milford Photography.jpg


Ready to find out what makes you uniquely captivating and how those attributes can help you align with more authentic success in all areas of your life? Complete this quiz to discover your magnetic style. These seemingly simple questions deliver valuable insights.

Guided Journal Available on Amazon

Drained to Drenched

This powerful guided journal allows you to explore your female mind, body, and spirit, ignite your curiosity, and honor your inherent wisdom.

Discover why this seemingly simple guided journal is helping transform lives.

How it works:
Removing layers of conditioning
+Curiously exploring your depths
+Integrating your wholeness =
More authenticity, passion, peace, wellbeing & improved capacity to serve yourself and others.

Learn More!

Get inspired!

Join us for ELECTRIC EASE, a podcast of inspiring conversations with incredible women who have been honest about who they are and what they want and started being true to themselves. This podcast is dedicated to tapping into easeful truth that liberates aligned success. We are electric beings. Are you ready to get juiced about your life again? Us too!