Sometimes, we seek change – other times, it seeks us.
Career transitions, illness, divorce, spiritual awakenings, agism and feeling redundant, empty nest, death of loved ones, crisis of meaning –
This moment you're experiencing is a powerful part of the transformation, but it's anything but comfortable.
During transitions the deepest recesses of ourselves get a light shined on them and create confusion like never before. We have to face the areas of ourselves that need the most love, compassion, and healing.
This process of destruction facilitates innovation.
In the dark, you will uncover levels of courage, truth, and creativity that only existed in the shadows, and discover your most profound sense of contribution.
You WILL come out of the other side stronger and more aligned, radiating your most genuine essence – empowering you to go after the life you convinced yourself wasn't possible.
During powerful transitions we come to a renewed sense of trust, faith, and humility that unlocks new dimensions.
You are not broken, you are breaking through.

Welcome, I’m Denise.
Nice to meet you.
I cherish warmth, simplicity, truth, craftsmanship, autonomy, the effortless beauty of nature, levity, raw and rowdy realness, and unconventional exploration.
I'm devoted to supporting humans as they courageously unleash themselves from self-imposed cages and liberate their most expressed life. I guide, share, and teach from my embodied experiences.
My highest contribution zone is the intersection of creativity and practical solutions.
My love language is helping you honor your truth and take bold and aligned action to enjoy more peace, joy, and alignment.
I’m here to lend my strength for those that need it, and share my challenges with those it will encourage.
You’re ready to shine a light on what’s keeping you up at night.
What’s next for you?
Who are you now? What do you want to create? How do you want to show up in this world? What changes are you ready to tackle? What do you value? What brings you peace, joy, and a sense of purpose?
What are you waiting for?
“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.” ― Frank Zappa
Adhering to outdated rules of business wasn't working anymore.
I've had an exciting career, worked with incredible people, and learned valuable lessons at every organization I've worked for. I believe in the beauty of humanity, but we also lose our way now and again. The "frog in hot water" metaphor comes to mind as gradual changes and complacency can slowly eat away at our collective truth and move us away from our original well-meaning intentions.
We have an opportunity to course correct as a species before we boil in a sea of manipulative marketing, greed, data misusage, false idols, profits over people, and detrimental products. Beyond external factors, we must look at the recesses of our psyche to see where we tie our worth to productivity, look the other way, feel called to prove, favor relentless perfectionism, choose convenience over conviction, or override our internal signals. Otherwise, we will repeat history in our endeavors.
The moment comes when we can no longer compromise our values and health, even if that means giving up certain comforts we’ve become attached to.
Can you relate?
I know I'm not alone. Many humans I know are burned out from trying to keep up with a way of living that leaves them incongruent and empty from working for companies or industries they don't align with. And for many like me, this crisis of meaning shows up in our body, and we begin to have symptoms from this unbalanced way of living. I decided to listen, and now I'm helping others to do the same and find peace AND success, offering meaningful contribution to the world.
You can get through this transformation and contribute as your most authentic and fruitful self – and I’d love to support your truthful return.
Let's get to the point – my clients are big-hearted visionaries who care more about the people they serve than grinding their way to the top.
It’s not just about creative or work endeavors, it’s about wanting the most out of life, and walking in your truth from here forward.
You're devoted and passionate about LIFE, and your work is an extension of that. Flexibly and work-life balance mean more to you than status. You want to reconnect to your creativity, vibrancy, and follow your joy.
You’re not afraid of hard work, but you crave depth, meaning, and a reprieve from shallow and broken outdated systems.
Your vision and offerings support the paradigm shift you trust is coming, and you feel called to share your area of mastery to assist the process. You’re done complaining about broken systems and you’re ready to build what you hope to see in the future.
You're not willing to give up your health, peace, integrity, or complexity in order to share your gifts, and you know deep down that you don't have to.
You’re ready to live your life to the fullest and get off of the poplar (and purposefully designed) Ferris wheel of never-ending fixing, data, and distractions and instead come home to self-trust, faith, and living your life in a way that is fun and meaningful to you.
You're ready to stop thinking about it and start making it real. You’re looking for authentic, tangible, effective support so you can make your truth a reality one step at a time.
You’re in the middle of a life-shifting transformation that you know is for the better, but you’re looking for some support to help you get to the other side. You’re not who you use to be, and you’re in the process of becoming who you’ve always been waiting for.
We heal to LIVE and enjoy our lives, not to stay in a perpetual cycle of "fixing" – dogma is dogma, even if it's dressed as well-meaning information. It's essential to be intentional with where you put your attention.
When we undergo life transformations, our bodies are intimately impacted. Our bodies are designed to heal, to ebb and flow, and to send us signals when change is required of us. However, there is only one you – you've been through an entirely unique group of experiences that can't be replicated, so how could you and your body, mind, and spirit follow any rigid protocols without figuring yourself into the equation? It has to start and end with you in order to liberate true and lasting wellbeing.
What is truly meaningful to you? Meaning directs our most sustainable actions and lasting change, not rigidity, distractions, information overload, or theory without direct and balanced action. It's so easy to get sucked into a cycle of data, diets, supplements, trends, fear, and fixes, so it's more important than ever to educate yourself on truthful pillars of wellness and then develop your personalized plan that supports balance, freedom, and adaptability for life's inevitable ups, downs, and evolutions.
I create practical and supportive solutions that incorporate YOU into the approach.
If you're not uncomfortable enough to dig deep, get honest, and put the effort and time in, this approach is not for you –yet. But when you realize that it's up to you to solve the equation, nothing will stop you – and nothing will free you in quite the same way.
It’s been said the opposite of depression is self-expression and that only comes with self-trust. Self-trust is built through congruent living that honors yourself every step of the way and also allows for our inherent fallible humanity. And there are no shortcuts to that type of trust. You’ll find my offerings when you’re ready to put the work in and realize you’re the hero you’ve been waiting for.
“If it be knowledge or wisdom one is seeking, then one had better go direct to the source. And the source is not the scholar or philosopher, not the master, saint, or teacher, but life itself - direct experience of life. The same is true for art." ― Henry Miller

As an artist, I have always appreciated the process of creating and destroying to facilitate innovation.
In the dark, my heart space expanded beyond what I could even fathom and opened me up to a relationship with God that I was reluctant to allow in beforehand.
I suffered until I finally surrendered and found a profound sense of self-acceptance and peace. I cultivated self-trust and faith that holds me through life's continued ups and downs. I found a new sense of devotion to the genuine relationships in my life and lovingly allowed others to resolve. My definition of success adjusted and I released attachment to what no longer supported my truth.
I learned independence is a lie, and we will never or have never been self-sufficient or self-made. From the air we breathe to the womb we came from or the earth our bodies return to, we are intrinsically tied to a larger ecosystem and rely on one another immensely. I have profound gratitude for all the ways I have been supported and offered grace. I hope to generously share what I have learned with reciprocity. Everything I create is a love letter to life and a way for me to explore and express my ineffable love for this gift of embodiment.
I humbly continue to trust, course correct, learn, and lean into the joy and pain of life. I walk beside those who desire it and offer practical and heartfelt resources to support your unique transformations and bold action steps—because this human stuff, is beautiful and undeniably messy.